My Journey

2.5 years ago, I didn’t know who I was.

After the 28th rejection from a talent management company, I remember pacing around my garage, beads of sweat trickling down my forehead, a voice in the back of my head repeating “you can’t do this. Just give up already.”

In a flash, I even contemplated what it might be like if I just let the car run, closed my eyes and slipped out of this reality, quietly.

At that point, I had spent 8 years and over $30,000 dollars trying to “fix” myself into manifesting a better life through therapy, meditation and mindset.

THIS was the moment…I realized I wasn’t actually “changing.”

I was trapped in disempowerment…no amount of willpower or positive thinking helped.

You see, I USED to have BIG LOUD dreams for myself.

I used to truly believe that anything was possible.

I used to know my power

But something happened between my adolescence and my twenties where something in me shut down.

The windows of possibilities closed in on me.

I was a female Sisyphus, exhausted, endlessly pushing a boulder uphill, only to be pushed back down

I watched my dreams shrink to accommodate the smallness that I had let myself become.

As I scrolled through my phone on social media, I kept asking myself:

“What’s stopping me from living my best life, too?”

“What makes one person destined for greatness, and another person settle?”

I was smart. I was capable. I was determined. But something was blocking me that I couldn’t understand…it was a fate that felt worse than death itself…

I was pacing in circles in my garage…I couldn’t see a way out! And then, an overwhelming sensation came over my entire chest…It was INTENSE.

I thought for a second that I was actually having a heart attack.

And then, a different voice came to the forefront of my mind…A voice so strong… I couldn’t ignore it:

“YOU have the power to change YOUR reality.”

And as quickly as it appeared, it left.

But I knew that if I could unlock that knowing from deep inside of me, I could manifest my dream reality.

And for the next six months, I became OBSESSED with understanding energy. The more I dug…the more downloads I would receive.

And I landed on THIS ONE CONCEPT that not many people speak of…Let alone understand fully.

You have to change your core energetic blueprint to change your reality

Your core energetic blueprint goes beyond the mindset, goes beyond the subconscious…

But THIS is responsible for ALL of it.

And when you unlock your deep powerful knowing at THAT level

You unlock endless potentiality.

As I applied the downloads into my reality about what it took to change my core energetic blueprint…

EVERYTHING started to CLICK. I was becoming the version of myself I had always dreamed of becoming.

The version of myself who could: feel confident in my skin, show up on social media, teach and change lives, make a million dollars effortlessly, and have a deep, fulfilling and FUN marriage.

I was finally the MAIN CHARACTER in my own life.

And it all came down to mastering my energy.

When I shared the Energetic Blueprint with my first clients, and THEIR lives dramatically changed, I knew it wasn’t just MY Energetic Blueprint… But the world’s…

One client was depressed, unemployed, and alone… After harnessing the Energetic Blueprint, she fell in love and became pregnant fulfilling her dreams and manifestations within 8 months.

Another client, a CEO, who wasn’t able to attract PAYING clients… Suddenly landed a 6-figure deal after four months of learning the power of the Energetic Blueprint.

More profoundly, they started to remember who they truly were, they were embodying the creator of their realities.

And thus the Quantum Shift Accelerator Mastermind was born.

Because when you master your energy, you master your reality.

If you feel the deep embers of something burning within your soul…

This is the activation to the next level of expansion you’ve been searching for.

It all boils down to one secret.

Remembering who you are at your core level.

Coming home to the limitless nature of your true self that’s connected to the source of all there is.

Because everything you want lies within you.

The only question is this: Are you embodying the version who can live it?

How to get there?

You remove ALL the lies you are NOT.

You go to higher levels of frequency and consciousness and release the trauma, the generational curses, and repeating patterns and formulas that create the same situations and experiences over and over again.

When nothing else works and you don’t know why…

The number of times clients have come to me who have done “all the things”, practiced mindset for decades, gone to numerous healers but still felt like something was fundamentally “missing”…

It’s not because they were doing those things wrong.

It’s not because they’re flawed.

It’s because they aren’t accessing their energetic blueprint at a high enough level of CONSCIOUNESS or FREQUENCY.

You might have done therapy, RTT, somatic, EFT, subconscious programming, manifestation and psychedelics.

But THIS is the Life Energy Blueprint that sets the foundation for all of those other methods to work.

This is for you if...

This isn’t for you if...

What’s Inside

Bi-Monthly Group Calls

A deep family-style healing session where Paget continues to clear your individual energy, answer any questions and guide you through fully integrating the energy blueprint.

Private Session with Paget

I’ll identify the biggest energy patterns that are influencing your reality and we’ll shift them in this potent session so that you’re set up for success for the rest of our year together.

12 Modules

12 trainings that will teach you the entire energy blueprint to mastering your reality so you can create quantum shifts in your life for the rest of your life.

The more you apply this timeless knowledge, the deeper you will embody the power of these lessons for yourself.

24 Frequency Clearings

A growing library of powerful frequency clearings and priceless lessons about nuanced energy patterns, how they impact your reality and how to release them from your field.

What You’ll Learn

Tangible, Practical Tools

Learn how to apply tangible and practical steps to level-up your reality on a daily basis

A Complete Life Guide

Once you embody this process, life will never be the same. You’ll awaken to your power in a way you’ve never experienced before and have the roadmap to create dramatic shifts in your identity forever.

How to Deepen Other Work

This is the most foundational blueprint that will tie every other modality together and deepen your practices.

You will understand the deeper mechanics of why other modalities work and how to make them all work together.

The Secrets of The Universe

Like stepping into a school of magic you’ll learn the deeper secrets of how reality works and the “magic” of this matrix in a way that goes beyond traditional teachings. It’s like having a key to unlocking the Universe.

Energetic Alignment

You’ll learn how to get into energetic alignment with your highest timeline and STAY there so you can manifest naturally.

This is not based in mindset or thought. It’s based on the mechanics of frequencies that make up our reality.

Life Energy Blueprints

You will be shown the codes behind the matrix of your reality and learn how to shift into new states of being faster than any other method out there.

It will feel like you’ve been given the keys to a new way of operating in life.

Releasing Deep Energy Patterns

Get a complete guide on the most common energetic patterns that I see holding clients back and how to release them.

The Mechanics of Manifestation

Learn the deeper mechanics of manifestation and how to apply them to your life for even faster changes in your reality.

No generic affirmations, rituals, or basic visualization exercises.

How it All Works Together

You're ready to Quantum jump and expand into your most exciting reality


$8,000 - $15,000

Payment plans available

Get the LIMITED-TIME Pay In Full Bonus: extra 1-1 Quantum Healing Session with Paget ($3,000 value)



$2,400 - $3,000

If you have any questions email us directly!

*For those in the US, Buy-now-pay-later options also available.