3-Month Quantum Energy Accelerator Unlock your Highest Potential with Quantum Frequency Healer and Coach Paget Kagy

The most transformative QUANTUM HEALING and acceleration you will EVER experience

“Your Greatness is Calling to You”

You Know you are made for greatness.

You feel it deep in your bones.

And when you daydream about your most magnificent life, you get an undeniable chill.

That chill…is your calling.

That’s your higher self speaking directly TO you. It’s the Universe telling you that it’s possible–that there’s so much more to unlock in this lifetime.

More fulfillment, purpose, vibrance, excitement, adventure… more magic.


You are a day-dreamer, a truth-seeker, and a passion-filled adventurer who wants to live your biggest life possible–not just in career, not just in relationships, not just in abundance– but ALL of it.

And you’re ready to unlock the secrets of how to embody the
version of you who can live it.

But...How to actually get there.

“How do I embody the version of myself who can command the room? Who can naturally attract amazing things?”

You’re ready to stop hoping for it to appear…you’re ready to CLAIM it from your being.

What Clients Say

Quantum Shift Accelerator

Is a deep, passion-filled and ever-expanding high-frequency container where we will,

Activate the greatness within you at a DNA level.

You will be pulled by the energy of the mastermind into PROFOUND IDENTITY changes that will have you waking up feeling like a different version of yourself–more peace, more expansion, more self-love, more power, and more energy to EMBODY the life of your dreams.

Before the end of the program you’ll wonder why you didn’t do this sooner.

This is the shift you've yearned for, but never knew you needed.

This is for you if

You’ve been healing, manifesting and positive thinking your way through life but fundamentally feel capped or something’s “missing”…

You’ve reached a certain level of success but it doesn’t feel exciting,
fulfilling or aligned anymore.

You’re in a transition phase where you want to take that BIG leap but keep putting it off because you “don’t feel ready.”

You want life to feel empowering, sexy and alive again!

You are talented, capable and amazing at what you do.

But want to be EXTRAORDINARY

You want to show up in a room and command the energy.

You want to lead a presentation and be felt.

You want your relationships to feel juicy and full of magic again.

You want life to feel empowering, sexy and alive again!

This isn’t just a mastermind.

This isn't a healing container.

This isn't a coaching program.

It's ALL of the above.

Because Quantum Shifts in life happen from the inside out.

When you heal at a quantum level and shift your state of being, you naturally align to the right strategies, mindset, and energy to


When I went from who I was at the beginning of 2022--afraid to be seen, full of doubt, and totally lost.. to who I am today... full of abundance and amazing relationships...

It wasn’t because I tricked my mind to think differently or followed self-help books and studied business strategy

It also wasn’t because I was lucky.

It was because I was focused on becoming the version of me who COULD embody a life of abundance, purpose and joy.

And once I stepped into THAT version…

My purpose revealed itself, the right opportunities came in, my marriage deepened to a whole new level, and I felt deeply confident in my skin for the first time in my entire life.

LIFE opened up to me in a way that felt MAGICAL, inspired and limitless.

I didn't follow a plan.

I didn't follow a formula.

The formula was ME.

Master the Laws of the Universe to Create Your Reality

Who Am I?

My name is Paget Kagy,

I’m a quantum energy coach and mentor who teaches others how to tap into Their Energetic Blueprint so they can shift into new states of being permanently

I help them activate their true essence at the DNA level and step into the version of themselves they were always meant to be.

No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.


Feedback From QSA

You want to influence. Not enforce.

You want to embody. Not pretend.

You want to be seen at the next level.



That's where the happiness, abundance, purpose and the magic of life unfolds.

In Quantum Shift Accelerator…

You’ll unlock the deepest secrets of the Universe so you can manifest and embody the greatness within you.

We will:

What you can Expect:


What Clients Say

What you're looking for...

A method where you...

just wake up and FEEL different in your skin.

You don't need willpower to change. You don't need to sell your soul for abundance. You don't need to change your thoughts.

You BECOME the change

You embody the changes within your DNA and your reality reflects them back to you.


In fact, I have more energy than I did when I was in my twenties.

Hundreds of others who have done this work will tell you the same thing.


Because when you shed the heavy energy that is NOT you, you reclaim the life force that wants to channel through you.

This is the kind of energy that you need to scale your business, receive higher levels of abundance, enjoy time with loved ones, and live the fabulous life that wants you.

You'll become your own energy master. You'll open up to the truth of reality at such a deep level you can't help but embody the powerful creator of your life.

And when you open up the realm of infinite possibilities within you…

You. will. never. Go. back.

You're ready to Quantum jump and expand into your most exciting reality


$10,000 - $15,000

Payment plans available

Get the LIMITED-TIME Pay In Full Bonus: extra 1-1 Quantum Healing Session with Paget ($3,000 value)

Plus $500 off your total investment

Next Round Begins:
September 16th

*Limited spots available


$2,400 - $3,000

If you have any questions email us directly!

*For those in the US, Buy-now-pay-later options also available.

This is for you if...

This isn’t for you if...

Frequently Ask Questions

I tap into your energetic field at a higher level of consciousness which allows me to “see” the energy patterns that are running at those levels. This goes beyond mindset or the subconscious. I’ll often tell you what I see and you’ll go “yeah…that IS what I experience, how did you know??” Because EVERYTHING is energy. I then open up new possibilities in your field to lead you to higher outcomes.

For now, yes! Everyone who participates before 2025 will get lifetime access to ALL the goodies. This might change for future cohorts, however.

Thats fine! You are not expected to attend every single clinic in order to experience changes. However, I recommend attending 6 of them live. You WILL want to listen to the recordings of ALL the clinics as they offer teachings and DNA activations particular to your mastermind that will accelerate you in your shifts.

Yes! That’s the whole reason why this process is so fundamentally different from anything else out there. When you shift at a deeper core level, you can’t go back. And you will continue to experience shifts long after the 3-months and beyond.

No refunds. There are a limited number of spots, and I show up 100% for my clients in this process and I expect my clients to do the same. This is a life-changing and profound process but you have to be fully accountable for your part. I’m not here to enable your old ways of being. I’m here to activate and push you to the next level.

What is a Frequency Clinic?

It’s a Group ZOOM call where Paget will tap into the energy of the mastermind and clear out the main energy blocks coming up as a collective, and then she’ll work with clients 1-1 in coaching, mentoring, and/or guide the removal of energetic blocks at the Energetic Blueprint level.

These sessions are extremely potent and critical for your shifts during our time together. You are recommended to make the time to join at least 6 live.

Who ends up joining QSA?

From entrepreneurs looking to scale but feeling “stuck” to artists who are looking to come into their full powerful expression, to intuitives who want to dive deeper into their gifts.

The people who end up in this container might try justify why they want to sign up from their logic, but they are led from a much deeper
knowing within their soul.

You are simply CALLED.

If you’ve made it this far…

There’s something in your soul that feels ready, but your mind needs reassurance.